LG vs Dyson: Which stick vacuum is better

Publish date: 2024-06-13

WHILE everyone seems to have one of those fancy Dyson stick vacuums, I have been relying on a little handheld dustbuster (you know, the ones that die after the first three seconds of using it?) for spot cleans and an old barrel Dyson for the times I mean serious business.

So when the chance to review LG’s new CordZero hand stick A9 vacuum ($999) came up, I enthusiastically threw all the pesky croissant crumbs to the floor to put it to the test.


Doing a quick look around the popular Facebook mum’s groups, people have been pretty vocal about just how good this handheld sucker is, with some saying it is even better than a Dyson V10 (which retails at the same price).

Earlier this year, LG’s cordless vacuum cleaners saw a boost in sales figures on online comparison website Enuri.com, beating rival Dyson to the top spot.

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“Despite continued popularity of overseas premium brands such as Dyson, local home appliance giants are gaining attention with strengthened product quality and technological prowess, beefing up for the competition with global rivals,” an official from Enuri.com revealed.

Now, without getting too technical, the LG CordZero has a five-step filtration system that will remove the toughest dust particles from home surfaces. The height is adjustable (great news for shorties like me) and the vacuum comes with different nozzles for various uses around the home. It has an easy thumb control, and my favourite … a turbo mode for the really grotty areas.

Assembling the appliance was pretty easy, and after a quick charge, I was away vacuuming the lounge room.

My first impression of the LG hand stick was that it was bloody heavy for such a small unit. My second impression was that it was surprisingly quiet. So quiet that I was left doubting it was sucking much up at all.

Then I went to empty it …

I honestly couldn’t believe just how much dust and how many crumbs I had around the home — especially after I had vacuumed the house just two days before and thought my house was clean. I was impressed. So much so that I used it the day after, and the day after, and the day after with a smaller nozzle.
